How Does Forever Young BBL Laser Treatment Work?

Light energy is delivered by BBL to gently heat the upper layers of the skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate, resulting in smoother, more vibrant skin. In a long-term clinical study at Stanford University, researchers determined the light energy delivered by the BBL actually changed the gene expression of the skin cells at the molecular level. Patients received regular BBL treatments over a decade and physicians judged the patients to be 11 years younger than their actual age!

What Does Forever Young BBL Laser Treatment Treat?

Not only can Sciton’s BBL laser treatment help improve fine-lines, wrinkles, and diminish pore-size, this innovative technology helps correct:
• Pigmented lesions such as age spots, freckling, and uneven pigmentation
• Vascular lesions such as broken capillaries, facial redness (rosacea), and cherry angiomas
• Unwanted facial and body hair

How Many Treatments of Forever Young BBL Laser Treatment Are Needed?

At Signature Dermatology, your board-certified dermatologist will customize a treatment plan based on your clinical needs and desired results. Most patients see results after 3 to 5 treatments which are typically scheduled at regular intervals every 4 weeks. Remember, regular treatments-at least once a year-were proven to make patients look ten years younger than when they first started Forever Young BBL laser treatments.

What Can I Expect During The Forever Young BBL Laser Treatment?

Your eyes will be protected with safety glasses. As the procedure is performed, you may feel a quick, warm sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas. Your procedure may take a few minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of procedure.

What Can I Expect After The Forever Young BBL Laser Treatment?

Redness and minor swelling may occur for the first few days after your procedure. For treatment of pigmented lesions, you will see darkening of the areas which will eventually fade completely. This results in a more even skin tone and brighter-looking skin!

What Is The Recovery Time?

Forever Young BBL Laser Treatment is a noninvasive procedure with little to no downtime. In most cases, you are able to apply makeup and return to your activities immediately. It is very important however, to avoid direct sun exposure until your skin is healed and to wear a daily sunscreen of at least an SPF 30 or higher. Our dermatologists will provide you with a detailed aftercare plan.